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Monday, March 18, 2013

Today’s Scuttlebot: Kickstarting ‘Veronica Mars,’ and Microsoft Connections

Here are some of the more interesting items that the tech reporters and editors of The New York Times found on the Web recently. More Scuttlebot can be found here.

Penguin Plays With iPad
Holycuteness.com |  100-year-old grandmas can do it. Cats can, too. Penguins can also play with iPads. - Damon Darlin

Identities II
Behance.net |  Before and after photos of people as they age. “After,” by Ana Oliveira. - Nick Bilton

Uber, Data Darwinism and the Future of Work
Gigaom.com |  Smart piece about the challengs facing a society being rebuilt on connectedness. - Nick Bilton

How Well Do Microsoft’s Xbox, Skype, Office, and SkyDrive Work Together
Businessweek.com |  An intrepid reporter tries all Microsoft services and products to see how they work together for $350 a year. - Damon Darlin

From Ray Kurzweil to Kanye West, Everyone’s a Futurist Now
Qz.com |  A futurist who calls himself a “changeist” makes a pitch for more futurists because, well, the future is coming. - Damon Darlin

Kaifu Lee: My Chart of H! ow Often I Get Censored by Sina Weibo
Techinasia.com |  Kaifu Lee, the former Google China manager and now an entrepreneur, recounts his troubles with China’s censors. - Damon Darlin

‘Veronica Mars’ Kickstarts a Movie Project
Salon.com |  A smart take on Kickstarter’s step into big business with its latest high-profile movie project. - Jenna Wortham

More Fakery Online
Bbc.co.uk |  A look at musicians who buy Facebook likes, Twitter followers and YouTube views. Is nothing sacred - Suzanne Spector