Today's Times
- Consider yourself an armchair pundit? Jeff Zeleny and Jim Rutenberg have composed a guide on what to look for as election night unfolds.
- The ads may stop running and the rallies will cease, but Ohio's choice for president may not be known until December, John M. Broder reports. The all-important swing state has a labyrinthine recount procedure that ensures weeks of delay and the likelihood that campaign lawyers will be busy for quite some time.
- As the campaigning comes to an end, the gulf between cable news channels is expanding, especially when it comes to coverage of a particular party and candidate. Jeremy W. Peters looks at how MSNBC and FOX News have pushed their partisan stridency to new levels.
 Around the Web
- Rapper Jay-Z made the line famous, but Mayor Cory Booker of Newark made it viral, The Huffington Post reports.