Time is running out for President Obama and Mitt Romney to make their case and encourage their supporters to turn out to vote. With the polls showing a tight race, all eyes are on the swing states that could make or break the candidates.
NBC's âMeet the Pressâ features Gov. John Kasich, Republican of Ohio; Gov. John Hickenlooper, Democrat of Colorado; and Gov. Scott Walker, Republican of Wisconsin, discussing the ground game to win their critical states on Election Day.
On âFox News Sunday,â it's the senators who weigh in: Senator Mark Warner, Democrat of Virginia; Senator Mark Udall, Democrat of Colorado; Senator Rob Portman, Republican of Ohio; and Senator Ron Johnson, Republican of Wisconsin.
CNN's â State of the Unionâ has David Axelrod, senior adviser to the Obama campaign, and Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, making the case for each of the nominees. And Gov. Bob McDonnell of Virginia, chairman of the Republican Governors Association, and Ted Strickland, former Ohio governor, will also share their thoughts on the race.
Senator John McCain of Arizona, former Republican presidential nominee, and Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago and Mr. Obama's former chief of staff, join CBS's âFace the Nationâ to weigh in the final days of the race. Mr. McCain will also discuss the latest on the attacks in Benghazi, Libya. Plus, Haley Barbour, former Mississippi governor, and Jennifer Granholm, former Michigan governor, join the program to offer analysis of the contest.
Stephanie Cutter, deputy campaign manager for Mr. Obama's re-election campaign, and Newt Gingrich, former House speaker and Republican presidential candidate, will appear o n ABC's âThis Week.â
Bloomberg's âPolitical Capitalâ has David Plouffe, senior adviser to the Obama campaign.
Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky, joins C-Span's âNewsmakers.â
Univision's âAl Puntoâ offers a full line-up of political guests, featuring discussions with Carlos M. Gutierrez, former commerce secretary and trade policy adviser for the Romney campaign; Henry G. Cisneros, former secretary of housing and urban development; and Gabriela Domenzain, director of Hispanic press for the Obama campaign.
And the election and its impact on defense spending is one of the hot topics on TV One's âWashington Watch,â offering interviews with Retired Maj. Gen. John R. Hawkins III and Tom Tarantino, an Iraq War veteran and chief policy officer with the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans for America.