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Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Room to Impress Romney


LEBANON, Ohio - Mitt Romney could not stop marveling at the John Quincy Adams room.

After an evening rally here outside of The Golden Lamb, an inn owned by Senator Rob Portman of Ohio and his family, Mr. Portman took Mr. Romney through a brief spin of his hotel, marching him into the John Quincy Adams Room on the second floor.

“Isn't that something. Oh, isn't that something,” Mr. Romney said, taking stock of the room. “Isn't that something. It's wonderful.”

A few moments later, he couldn't resist another exclamation: “Wow, isn't this something,” he said.

“We can't wait to have a Mitt Romney room in here,” said Jane Portman, Mr. Portman's wife, referring to the hotel's tra dition of naming rooms after presidents who have visited the hotel. (Mr. Portman explained that, so far, 12 presidents had made the stop.)

Turning to a picture on the wall of John Quincy Adams with his father, John Adams, Mr. Romney observed, “John Quincy - about the same height as his dad, looks like.”

Mr. Romney described himself as a fan of the elder Mr. Adams. “Certainly one of my favorite presidents,” he said.

“Quite a guy,” he continued. “That wonderful, wonderful book by David McCullough about this life. I've said this many times before, but reading that, when I turned the last page, I just welled up with tears. You feel like you're losing a member of the family. Extraordinary man, extraordinary marriage, he and Abigail. Just a wonderful couple.”

Then, Mr. Romney cut to the bottom line: “He calls it the Golden Lamb, but I think when you look at the prices you'll determine it's the Golden Fleece,† he said, before adding, “Actually, it's a modest price point -I mean this is like $130 a night? - for history!”

“This is about $140, I think, $150,” Mr. Portman replied.