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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Early Word: Bull\'s-Eye


Today's Times

  • Mitt Romney and the Republican National Committee raised $25 million more in July than President Obama and the Democrats, Nicholas Confessore and Michael D. Shear report. Mr. Obama's team appears to have all but conceded the money race, as Mr. Romney is on a pace to meet the $800 million target his campaign set in April.
  • The White House defended President Obama's senior adviser on Monday for taking $100,000 in speaking fees before joining the government from a subsidiary of a company working with the Iranian government, Peter Baker reports. The six-figure payment to the adviser, David Plouffe, was seized on by Republicans who have attacked Mr. Obama for not being tough enough in pressing Iran to abandon its nuclear program, but Mr. Plouffe's allies pointed to various examples of Republicans who gave speeches for companies with business in Iran before going to work for President George W. B ush.
  • While Mitt Romney enjoyed his “down” days from the campaign trail, there were still plenty of tea leaves for reporters to sift and interpret, Trip Gabriel writes. His every arrival and departure is being tracked by a press pool, similar to how the president's movements are covered, as they sit on edge awaiting the announcement of his vice-presidential choice.

Around the Web

  • A group of 10 Senate Republicans sent a letter to the Internal Revenue Service on Monday, encouraging them not to make any changes to rules that have allowed many Tea Party groups to avoid paying taxes, Politico reports.
  • The White House said that President Obama would sign the bill proposed by Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, exempting Olympic medal winners from paying taxes on the money they have earned competing in the games, Politico reports.
  • Comedian Rob Delaney â€" “Mitt Romney's Twitter nemesis” â€" has caught the attention of the Obama campaign, which asked Mr. Delaney to support his re-election efforts, Bloomberg Businessweek reports.
  • Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was attacked by a swarm of bees at an airport in Malawi on Monday, The Hill writes.

Happenings in Washington

  • The Federal Reserve Board will host a town hall meeting with Ben S. Bernanke for “Conversations with the Chairman.”